
A look at industry-specific use cases.


Immersion is the most impactful learning experience.

When you think about how we learned in school, the most impactful experiences were remembered. We don’t tend to remember the multiple chapters of reading a textbook. In fact, reading a textbook has a 10% memory retention rate.

Why not use every possible means to develop retention within the teaching atmosphere? The time and effort involved with trying to create memories for the student is the core principle of teaching. Augmented reality has a 70% + memory retention rate. The use of augmented reality in teaching creates an experiential moment for those learning; therefore, providing better opportunities for the information to stick within the student’s mind.

We want to work with you to provide customized augmented reality experiences for your class. These experiences will assist in creating memories for years to come in the influential minds of the future.  

To explore the concept of augmented reality in education more, please click here to check out this article.


Augmented reality in the workplace increases training and onboard time as well as speeds up productivity.

Confidence, time management, self-management, manners, ambition, focus, common sense, situational awareness, optimism, and empathy are several soft skill attributes needed to succeed in any workspace position. Teaching these concepts have been a burden on human resource management as time and resources may not be available to develop employees within the onboarding process or throughout their tenure in being employed.

Using customized augmented reality to train employees on soft skills or other standard operating procedures within manufacturing will greatly reduce the time and resources needed to convey the right information along to the employees with an understanding they will have greater retention of the information presented. Studies have shown, the use of augmented reality in workforce training will increase the soft skills needed for employees to quickly be on boarded into new positions as well as be quickly trained on company procedures.

The use of augmented reality in the workplace speeds up production by allowing operators to read hands free, decrease the error rates with real time data feedback, and provide overlay guidance in assembly. These are just a few use cases of how augmented reality can improve productivity. Here is a great article for review with 4 general use cases for augmented reality in the workplace.


If attention is the commodity, augmented reality in marketing is a game changer.

We know augmented reality has a 70% memory retention rate. We want you to know what this means for your end user, your consumer, your clients, and any other person you are trying to invite into your business world. By providing a “wow” factor to the first impression of your product or services, you are creating a memory within your end user which decreases client acquisition, increases user engagement, and down right just makes your product fun. Once you realize you can create in all space, this gives you power to place your product within the end user’s space. The impact of seeing a product in a digital form in the space of the end user puts a visualization to accept the product could be theirs.

On top of memory retention, you will have the ability to create word of mouth advertising when those end users start sharing your augmented reality experiences. They will develop brand loyalty and become advocates to share your business augmented reality experience with others. The cool factor in being innovative to explore future technologies in the now will set your business apart when you use augmented reality in your marketing strategies.

Here is a great article on AR and VR and what is to gain as a business with their use.

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