Childlike Joy
There is amazing childlike joy with Augmented Reality!
As a kid, I used to roam the woods. There was something magical about sliding under the neighbor’s barbwire fence and entering a world of the unknown. Every time, I crossed over, a new adventure would occur. Whether it was running into a smiling, hissing opossum, or having a run in with a hornet’s nest, I would walk and explore under every leaf, look under every rock, and splash in every creek. Often, I would build forts and imagine being in an enchanted world where my imagination would run wild. From demons of the forest to fairies who would guide me along in the journey to bigfoot watching me from a distance, each adventure allowed me to explore and imagine different worlds of fantasy and make believe and push my young mind into creative realms.
Now, as a 42 year old adult, I have recaptured that imagination and fun of make believing there is a world beyond our mind’s eye. I have found this in augmented reality. There is this cool and unreal opportunity to show people a new and creative medium within a hidden world through a portal known as your smart phone. When they see they can create in all space and anything they dream up can be brought to life, that kid in them emerges and the suppressed imaginations of their childhood come back to life. Artists try to translate this. Movie makers try to interpret this. Augmented reality gives everyone the occasion to break through to that inspired child deep inside. Our primal instinct is to imagine and create. Now, there is no limitation to what we can produce in a digital world and with digital overlays in the real world.
Whether it is full emersion with virtual reality or a metaverse, or if it is incorporating digital overlays of augmented reality into our real world, there is a creative storm coming where the world we live in is going to change and awaken some of the most creative attributes ever seen in humanity for the betterment of humanity.
Prepare to be amazed, enlightened, intrigued, but most of all, prepare your inner child. That small visionary from your childhood is going to love this voyage which is already taking off.